b. LEG PRESS To achieve the legs I had always wanted was hard work but well worth the effort. I now never worry about chaff on the inner thigh, cellulite or that wobble. If you want less worry ...
This is a high level absolute killer of an abdominal exercise but YOU must add it to your workout this week. HOW to: lay flat on a gym mat hold a 5 kg plate weight ...
After a luscious weekend around the pool – this was the ultimate tummy need. Honey Sunflower Seed Salmon + Minted Mango Zing Salad Ingredients fresh ...
ACAI and it’s health benefits and pit falls Acai berry had high levels of antioxidents disease preventing properties scientific studies claim it to be high in anti- ...
How do I remain fighting fit everyday involves a combination of things… When I was young I remember being sick a lot of my life with a variety of health issues from asthma skin ...
ADD this speed leg training set to your weekly workout routine. Run up the set of stairs holding the medicine ball above your head – (concentrate on your core stability ...
These delicious protein patties are so easy to make and delicious either hot or cold. I often snack on them after gym (cold) or throw them in the kids lunch boxes. b. vego ...