Solving mental exhaustion in 5 easy steps: Mental exhaustion and physical exhaustion are our biggest motivation killers… so how do we get motivated? when we are mentally exhausted. ...
The kneeling row is a great beginners exercise for creating strength in your shoulders and upper back. It also forces you to switch on your trunk (core) and ...
b. broomstick stretch Complete a great shoulder stretch with a broomstick to elevate shoulder soreness. The use of the broom sticks helps to gain good shoulder rotation while remaining aligned and ...
b. flutter kick abdominals on a bench works your core stability as well as creating strong quadriceps. Try this one next time you have a soft bench to lie on. b. WORKOUT Flutter kick ...
TO kettlebell or NOT to kettlebell? I am a careful exerciser – where I believe your body must be of optimal health everyday in order for you to function. I ...
b. LEG PRESS To achieve the legs I had always wanted was hard work but well worth the effort. I now never worry about chaff on the inner thigh, cellulite or that ...