‘Fitness and health is a life skill, not just for competition purposes’ b. x After a wonderful year of teaching fitness and health to my year 4 classes and seeing this ...
The kneeling row is a great beginners exercise for creating strength in your shoulders and upper back. It also forces you to switch on your trunk (core) and allows good stabilisation through your ...
b. broomstick stretch Complete a great shoulder stretch with a broomstick to elevate shoulder soreness. The use of the broom sticks helps to gain good ...
➕Strength can only come from within and shine towards the outside through others. tip– think strong, think brave, think what you want ➕Having inner strength can be gained ...
b. flutter kick abdominals on a bench works your core stability as well as creating strong quadriceps. Try this one next time you have a soft bench to lie on. b. ...