Tricep with leg extension exercise is a level 2 (difficulty rating) is an outdoor training set that you can complete anywhere that has a risen set or bench. I suggest adding it into ...
This is a high level absolute killer of an abdominal exercise but YOU must add it to your workout this week. HOW to: lay flat on a gym mat hold a 5 kg plate weight above your head move legs and arms ...
You need a heart starter combination exercise that hits every part of your body in one simple routine? YOU just answered yes! yes! yes! to all this right? Check out the latest ...
This weekend get your weekend cardio workout with the wind in your hair on a bike. Bike Riding Fitness Benefits excellent cardio fitness muscle focus on the glutes, thighs ...
ADD this speed leg training set to your weekly workout routine. Run up the set of stairs holding the medicine ball above your head – (concentrate on your core ...
Why should you push up properly? Completing a correct push up is more important then completing an amount of push ups. The push up position creates strength for your core – ...