b. broomstick stretch Complete a great shoulder stretch with a broomstick to elevate shoulder soreness. The use of the broom sticks helps to gain good shoulder rotation while remaining ...
This juice is perfect around the pool on a summer day – I also like to enjoy this drink with a handful of dry roasted almonds to completely satisfy my hunger ...
The smoothie is loaded with double chocolate and with a sweet surprise in the base of the smoothie for a devilish delight. Ingredients 1 scoop chocolate protein 1 tablespoon of cacao ...
The key to staying focused on a goal is keeping things fresh and new. As humans we get bored easily and find ‘new’ keeps us fresh in our minds. TIPS train every morning – one ...
ADD this speed leg training set to your weekly workout routine. Run up the set of stairs holding the medicine ball above your head – (concentrate on your core stability and breathe) ...
I like to write and share inspiring words and thoughts. Most of these I write myself and love to share with the world. Please share my words with your friends and loved ones. However, ...