b. bike riding and it’s benefits I like to do a hard rpm (bike) session every week at the gym. This consists of speed work, standing on the pedal (hill ...
b. broomstick stretch Complete a great shoulder stretch with a broomstick to elevate shoulder soreness. The use of the broom sticks helps to gain good shoulder rotation while ...
The UPSIDE – blog interview WHAT DO I DO? I am a primary school health and physical education teacher and an avid fitness & health lover. I enjoy my job so ...
➕Strength can only come from within and shine towards the outside through others. tip– think strong, think brave, think what you want ➕Having inner strength can be ...
b. weighted sled 60kg Add the sled workout to your gym set this week. The use of this weighted sled is an explosive movement that burns fat fast – it effectively rounds out ...
My favourite Wednesday workout gym combination is this b. squat press with loose grip. It teaches my butt to switch on and drive through my whole leg and then finish with a press of the bar ...
b. Glute Switch Workout This simple and effective yoga pose is a gluteus maximus switch or butt switch. By teaching your glutes to switch on it effectively strengthens ...