Why should you add the SPLIT LEG LUNGE to your gym routine?

My favourite Saturday leg day exercise is the SPLIT LEG lunge on a smith machine.  When training the b.live.wear girls – this exercise is a must!

Lunges and split leg lunges have a lot of similarities and get easily confused.  However, these two exercise activate different muscles in the legs.

How to do a split leg lunge…

  • split leg lunge stand in the lunge position.
  • one leg forward and in front of you – the other leg behind you.
  • in a split leg lunge the rear leg is at rest for the entire exercise
  • creating intense muscle use on the forward leg it targeting large and small muscles in the thigh.

Split leg lunges focus on the gluteal muscles (butt) as well as working the quadriceps and hamstrings (front and backs of your thighs).  In addition the exercise also works your calves and your core.

To complete a workout of split leg lunges

  1. set yourself up on a smith machine
  2. add weights accordingly – I use 10kg on each end of the bar
  3. set my legs in position
  4. 12 reps on each leg and swap legs – repeat 3 times


