We women will all have it and we will all want to get rid of it; the under skin lumps that seem to appear from nowhere. It is cellulite and it is the form of fatty deposit that sticks to our thighs and butts.
b.truth: my legs were riddled with cellulite and I was of the belief that it was to stay forever… NOPE it is not true… you can get rid of it too!!
Here are the b. 7secret how to’s:
- Clean food every meal:
80%food is the cause of cellulite production in women. So this means you MUST eat clean especially if you are over 30 years of age.
This means lean proteins of fish, chicken, turkey and loads of vegetables and greens. Add quinoa or rice; for your carbohydrate intake and also eat oats and berries often for breakfast and snacks.
After 30 years of age our body changes dramatically and those high sugar and high fat – ‘flexible dieting’ trends will not work anymore: our hormones have changed and our bodies ability to rid the sugar as swiftly has subsided. (‘Treat’ foods will stick like glue to the butt, thighs and arms) Therefore, only clean healthy food often will ensure your overall health and wellbeing will be optimal. We all have cravings and sometimes they are difficult to manage so for ‘one’ night a week you can have a cheat meal where your dessert is your ultimate crave meal – choose between ice-cream, or chocolate or make one of the b.kickstarter treat meals.
If you truly want to see a change you must dedicate to the clean food process. I also will ensure you feel energized longer and less of a spike in your metabolism creating those ups and downs in energy and mood.
Related article: Why clean eating is best for all family members.
- Speed Circuit weights:
Complete a speed circuits light weight program twice weekly with 2 min run or cycle effort in between. Complete some target leg sessions like the b.leanlegs training set.
(see blivewear YouTube channel for lots of sessions or grab a copy of the b.bodyboost ebook (ON SALE tomorrow for 24 hours at only $35.95).
- Water and more Water –
Hydrating with water often will flush and cleanse your body. Drink water when you are hungry, drink water when you are not it will cleanse your skin and help to flush the fatty deposits sending hydration to the skin.
- Cardio every morning
Complete a cardio-vascular ( heart rate activity) every day and without fail: this means to walk fast; run; cycle or mini functional fitness circuit. Complete 30 minutes everyday before breakfast.
- Drink protein
Add a protein shake to your post workout and after lunch crave time. I drink a high quality lean whey protein in chocolate flavour. It helps with my chocolate crave and also keeps my body functioning for longer. Eating protein will aid in suppressing your appetite until you re-teach your body it needs and wants. I love the taste, quality value for money of Body Science Nitrovol Lean Muscle Protein.
- Do Yoga
Complete a Yoga or Pilates class once a week: as this will lengthen and lean out the muscle. It will help to flush the lactic acid pooling in your muscle and also lean out the bulk that you are building in the speed circuits. By completing the combination of both speed circuit weights and yoga it is a balanced combination that women’s bodies thrive on.
- Massage and Epson Salt Bath
The two easy and some what relaxing activities will help to flush the body faster: try to book in a massage once a month if not definitely every 3 months: in the meantime add Epson salts bath to your weekly rest time to help with any fluid retention.
I guarantee if you follow these 7 tips you will see a dramatic change in 3-6 months! For further information on b. food and fitness programs go to www.blivewear.com.
Want more information on how to change your mindset: see blivewear.com for the next instalment of b.talks (which are LIVE talks and open sharing of how I switched my brain to change my life)
Please share with my your changes either in private message or @belinda.n.s instagram I would love to cheer you on!!
Health and Happiness always,