b. flutter kick abdominals on a bench works your core stability as well as creating strong quadriceps. Try this one next time you have a soft bench to lie on. b. WORKOUT Flutter kick ...
TO kettlebell or NOT to kettlebell? I am a careful exerciser – where I believe your body must be of optimal health everyday in order for you to function. ...
How to work it! with the b. Work Wear MUST HAVES We live in a world of first impressions whether people like it or not. It is imperative that you put ...
I only run ONCE a week and it has been totally beneficial to my body and its physical development. As a avid runner over many years (school age running – sprint triathlons/ Olympic ...
The smoothie is loaded with double chocolate and with a sweet surprise in the base of the smoothie for a devilish delight. Ingredients 1 scoop chocolate protein 1 ...