Fast Motivation for the Home Workout (after your work day)

Want to know how I motivate myself after work to train and do a home workout? 

Well it’s all in the first steps to really make the home workout – work for you!

I understand; we get home from work after getting the kids; groceries, maybe answering family calls on the way home; booking in errands for the week ahead. Then you put away the groceries, clothes off the line and the last thing you want to do is get your ‘fitness on’ right?  I promise you it will make you feel better and here are my tips to help you get motivated for the after work workout.

STEP 1: Turn on workout music –  beaty and loud (it will help you get dressed in your activewear; it will even help you tie your laces; it helps you set up the gear and it also tells the kids it’s workout time)

I use Spotify – ‘classic workout’ tune’s and also SoundCloud ‘workout music 2018’.

STEP 2. Pick up the weights & roll your shoulders; find your posture; stand on tip toes and flat feet. Warm up those stabling muscles by flexing on & off.

STEP 3. Then set your balance by completing a stablised – split squats; ensure you focus on your core and complete a full leg single extension to the toes. Pause at the tops or exercise and at bottom of exercise.

STEP 4. Complete basic muscle movements – I complete five bicep curls on each arm and you will be suddenly be in the mood.

This will have you ready to go; with muscles switched on balance attuned and body and mind ready!

Go get it done!

Health and Happiness,
