Chores can cheer up Children


Children who complete chores are happier and are able to find the positives in life.

Chores are a key learning area of development when children complete chores they value not only themselves but also the home they live in. Chores are part of teaching ‘respect’ just like manners, right from wrong and self-respect. Children who have self respect are happy kids and they find life easier.

Benefits of Chores

Chores prepare a child for living well, for gaining personal value and for respecting the things on their life. As adults understand, life is not a holiday and many children these days are allowed to sit all day, provided with food and asked to complete little as part of home chores.

This mere fact is creating a group of privileged children, teens and young adults who believe they don’t have to do anything and are quite forthright in saying so. If we do choose to allow children to be besotted, we have devalued them, and taught them nothing of the real personal respect. Chores are key to development of young brains and personal development.


“Chores teach children that ‘life’ is not a holiday” b.x 


How to set rules about chores:

  • Begin to set chores early.
  • It’s is Never to late to set up chores list.
  • Be tough on teens in regards to completing chores; remove devices immediately if chores are not complete.

Being tough means you can say NO! to a teen as hard as it seems some days. It will be hard but take a stance; you at providing for them and they need to take responsibility for their own life.

  • Have the list of chores visual either a personal list or a family message board.


A checklist of chores to begin for children in age categories:

These chores begin from age 4 and then are added each year until they are 16 years old – creating a weekly list of 13 chores. These chores are gender equal as we are all humans and should be able to complete the same types of chores as we both have the same capabilities.

Age 4: place personal clothing in washing

Age 5: hose or water plants

Age 6: make own bed / replace bed sheets

Age 7: carry plates / empty rubbish

Age 8: make toast and water

Age 9: vacuum and mop

Age 10: clean toilets /clean shower screen

Age 11: pack unpack dishwashers / wash up

Age 12: clean windows /hang out clothes

Age 13: cook a meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner)

Age 14: clean the pool, mow the grass

Age 15: complete the washing and folding

Age 16: wash and vacuum the car


Personal chores from the age of 5 years both boys and girls:

  • Brush hair; girls being able to do own ponytail by age 9;
  • Brush teeth
  • Tidy room (image of what it looks like clean so they understand what is expected)
  • Get dressed
  • Tie shoelaces
  • Use a knife and fork
  • Write a short note /make a list


Ways to encourage chores to be completed:

  • Positive reinforcement by saying ‘what a great job the child has done’, even if it’s not exactly right.
  • Showing them how to properly, then repeating the chore as a team and then allowing them to complete alone.
  • Play a game afterwards with the children as reward rather than a money enticement or food enticement. Avoid using food ever as a reward for behavior.


No rewards for chores – chores are part of life, Mum doesn’t get a reward every time she pick up the towel from the floor, neither does Dad when he finishes the mowing.


Remind children that chores are showing respect for the home they live in; for themselves and for their parents.

Feel free to use this sentence when speaking to children about it.


Children deserve to be taught how to; learn from; shown why we need to complete chores and gain self-respect. As a society we have suddenly become accustomed to assuming that chores are being hard on children. This is NOT being ‘hard’ on them if we ask them to help; we are being great parents when we are teaching them a skill for life. Liken it to the fact that,  if a child can use a device: like a phone; computer or tablet they can certainly complete simple chores to enhance the entire family lifestyle.  Children who have self worth and have been taught to stand on their ‘own two feet’ again an ability to also find positivity and their own version of happiness.

Health and Happiness always,




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