5 ways to help make your fitness training: fun + happy + effective We all find it hard sometimes to get that fitness training motivation and it is a for a number of reasons; but mostly due to lack ...
Got legs like this? in the first picture. Well that is ok, because so did I and for a long time and shorts were not for my legs. Anyone feel like this? You ...
Ever wondered how the teacher can get your kids to do what you have been ‘harping at them’ for years? This week this is exactly what happened in my class: I was discussing with the ...
Do you like Reece’s peanut butter cups? Well these tasty little balls of yumminess are some ‘clean eating’ easy to make snacks, ready for back to school ...
Got a case of gym fear? Cannot go into a gym because of: Fear of judgement, it’s not your scene, fresh air is better, too costly, too many mirrors, going to get too muscly, Alpha girls and ...
SnapChat: What the hell is that? SnapChat is a quick image or video upload app. that can be ‘drawn on’ and ‘text added across an image or video’. It is the fastest growing app ...