b.truth> this image is exactly how this situation went which prompted me to write. She says ‘let go’ Why do we as humans when asked to ‘let go’ still ...
b. slide lunge with frisbee workout Want lean legs? Try the b. slide lunge using an old frisbee. A great beginners exercise for at home or in the gym. This functional exercise completes a ...
b. on massage and how it can improve your body Massage shouldn’t be seen as a luxury…it should be seen as a body health necessity. Massage is as important to your body as exercise. It helps to ...
b. healthy habits for summer Over the summer is the best time and opportunity to make changes for your body and your health. Healthy habits can be created at this time the easiest for many reasons ...
b. ‘lick the sides’ smoothie Ingredients 1 scoop vanilla protein 1 frozen banana ½ cup almond milk 1 tablespoon ‘good quality’ real caramel topping b. ...
b. Glute Switch Workout This simple and effective yoga pose is a gluteus maximus switch or butt switch. By teaching your glutes to switch on it effectively strengthens your ...