B. Body Bloom the program designed to help you feel free and in love with how you look after yourself. No guilt, no shame, no D word, just the simplicity of the truest kind. This ...
The six surprising aspects stopping our mobility, body function and/or composition. With ‘weight loss’ being a dirty word in current forums – I’m going out on a limb. The trend ...
Want to know how I motivate myself after work to train and do a home workout? Well it’s all in the first steps to really make the home workout – work for you! I understand; we ...
It is absolutely and 100% possible to change your leg shape! You are not stuck with them rubbing together or chaff or being uncomfortable. This image is me at ...
“Get kids active before school as it allows them to use their greatest mind tool”. b.x The importance of getting active before school has never been more ...
Your Booty Means More Than Looks The reason why building booty will improve your entire body. The Gluteal muscle (butt Muscle) is most important of all ...