It is never to late to improve your life. Number 1 should be our health it affects more than our bodies but also our motivation and for those around us.
Do you struggle to get motivated or remain motivated to exercise each day because of reasons like this?
I am tired,
I don’t have time,
I work til ..blah blah,
My body hurts,
The kids need me,
I’m too old,
I’ll start next week,
I don’t like it…
Any of these resonate with you? ..
It’s ok if they do because everyone has a time in their life when they simply couldn’t and wouldn’t.
Bad health will however STOP you from:
1. Getting to work each and everyday
If we cannot work to our full capacity in our career or jobs, our boss will not pay us therefor our money stops coming in and this can become a bigger problem for our family. Many business in Australia are putting staff health as a priority. This is a great initiative because many large corporations and businesses see the benefit of healthy and happy productive staff. Customers are getting better service people can move faster and have a clearer mind to achieve more in their role.
2. Playing with your kids
Making the most of our children when they are young and helping them to create a healthy world and life skill for themselves. This aspects is entirely why I started www.blivewear.com.
3. Feeling good
Everyone wants to feel good, wanted, loved, confident, appreciated and this is the first step in achieving this feeling. If we feel self love and have respect for our bodies and our health we feel inspired and positive.
4. Getting more success at work eg. If you look lazy … people think you are lazy at your job.
Our world is all about how we look at first impression, then how we present ourselves in our speech, and then qualifications. So if you want to land a new job, a promotion or impress in an interview. You must seek to impress with your health. Health is viewed by employers as the most important aspect. Think ? would you employ someone who may look like they would require many sick days, or look like they can’t be bothered walk around an office or can’t run the stairs to collect important documents or exude an unhappy or moody presents due to lacklustre energy levels.
5. Respect of self and others
If you can’t respect yourself, why would anyone respect you? Respecting your own body and those of your family reward all. It is also respected by others.
6. Inspiring others eg. this includes your own children
Children look for guidance and role models everyday. As I teacher and Mum children ask questions daily about every single detail of life or how to. In a recent Healthy eating day: I asked the children what does health look like. Many named family members and of particular uncles or aunties if a parent was not their role model. This was shocking as many children were embarrassed by their parents or role model to discuss. These children had concerns for their own parent wellbeing. Health starts at home then is shared further in their learning community and sporting community and it is a life skill.
7. Doctors appointments and other medical expenses
Save money on doctors, medical prescriptions and other expenses by getting healthy first. It is astounding how much money I have personally saved by simply eliminating dairy from my food lifestyle. I do NOT have skin allergies anymore or asthma. I feel well and sleep better meaning my energy level is higher daily.
8. Depression / Sadness / Negative outlook on everything in your life
Make your sickness ‘happiness’ by getting healthy.
It is well documented that depression can be sourced back through food also inclusive to environmental and societal aspects. The key to finding our how food reacts with your body is actually think how it feels one hour after consumption. Health is a feeling not a look.
b.truth: I think sometime my energy may annoy others because I cannot see the downside of anything and this comes through feeling well all the time. I will never apologise for this fact as I believe happiness is infections and this is great aliment to have.
Health is your wealth and YOU are in control of it! Time to become the richest. So make it happen today, right now get up and walk or do one of those multitude of free exercise clips.
No more excuses.
Or grab a copy of my best selling ebook! ON SALE
Health and Happiness always,