How to train to be a Tough Mudder or Mother!
The b.crew had set a goal this year, to complete an event to help them stay focused. After much deliberation it was decided upon completing the Tough Mudder: Woodford QLD on 20th May 21km Mud Run event. As we near the end of our 10 week training schedule I thought I’d share the training journey with you all.
The Goal Setting
The b.crews initial goal was to find their next level in mind and body because after completing the same fitness for a few years it becomes boring and our bodies become lacklustre (a bit like our white clothing). However the goal is not to win, it is simply to become tough in the mind, find a new level of body strength and revive our teamwork skills plus have a huge laugh and possibly sling some mud.
As the b.crew read the 10 week training plan; it was apparent the excitement and enticement had lifted. After a big team hug and multiple back and forth team messages. We had booked ourselves in!
Our Training Regime
WEEK 1-3 (Light and re-training our brain)
Weekdays :
- Running 3 mornings a week – 30 minutes with some undulation (meaning ONE hill)
- Walking on alternate mornings with abdominals and stretches.
- Completing the b.bodyboost home exercise regime 4 times weekly (whenever it fitted in around our busy Mum schedule)
Long run on the weekend and adding in a new trail run for fun 12km – not fast intensely fast hitting our prime heart rate zone
b.truth: approximately 120-150 BPM
After 4 weeks it was time we stepped it up.
WEEK 4-8 (The Step-Up)
We remained on the same program for WEEK 1-3 but added some new sessions. We then added a series of resistance training exercises:
- Complete resistance running on sand and or trail
- Complete a series of b.run drills in the sand (see youTube)
- Complete crawling and burpees in the sand
- Stretch everyday to avoid injury
During the last few weeks the b.crew became tired as the training and fear set in. They started making excuses why they could not train. I whole heartly understand this feeling, it’s Tough maintaining fitness around family life, however goals were very close. Time to review and add a new so the b.washing basket workout was born. This workout created so many laughs that and all the kids in the houses wanted to be involved too.
b.washing workout 30 minutes at home fitness
How to: b.washing workout
You need a 7-10kg washing load: about 4 wet towels
4 rounds : 12 reps of each
squat + squat press
lunge + lunge press
push up
See below to complete the same fitness in your home:
WEEk 9-10 (The Count Down)
- Running 4 mornings a week – 30 minutes with some undulation (meaning TWO hill).
- Walking on alternate mornings with abdominals and stretches.
- Completing the b.bodyboost home exercise regime 4 times weekly (whenever it fitted in around our busy Mum schedule).
Long run on the weekend and adding in a new trail run for fun 18km – not fast intensely fast hitting our prime heart rate zone.
Time to Get Tough
The b.crew is on the final week and we are about to race this coming weekend; we cannot wait to share with you our Tough Mudder or Mother finish.
Stay tuned to all the behind the scenes especially the b.crew getting muddy mother mess but we promise to clean ourselves up and resume that Tough Mother role. Wink Wink!
Health and Happiness always,