b. broomstick stretch
Complete a great shoulder stretch with a broomstick to elevate shoulder soreness. The use of the broom sticks helps to gain good shoulder rotation while remaining aligned and balanced. You can use a broomstick to perform this adduction exercise, which is extension behind your back, and internal rotation stretches for the subscapularis and infraspinatus muscles.
How to:
- Hold the broomstick with your right hand in front of your body, arm fully extended and pointing down.
- Hold the opposite end of the stick in the palm of your left hand.
- Keeping your right elbow tucked at your side, gently push the stick to your left on a horizontal plane.
- Hold the peak position for 30 seconds
- Complete 4 reps and then repeat the stretch on the other side.
TIPS : Try to avoid rotating your torso and keep your hips front and squared.
If you’re recovering from a shoulder injury, these gentle stretches can help to restore range of motion to shoulder joints and prevent further injury. They can also reduce muscle soreness after strengthening exercises for your rotator cuffs.