Gettin’ it done with a smile
2015 wrap up: for b. and b.live.wear
Firstly, I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my wonderful family and friends who have come along this year for some fun. I could not have done this without their generous support and love.
I am truly grateful for everything they have helped with… from > rubbing fake tan on my back, taking photos, being in photos, doing a lot of fitness, filming fitness, editing books, testing my food and making me laugh when things all get too much.
Here are some truths:
This is my real life
This is my real food
This is my fitness routine
This is my real body (I do NOT use any type of photoshop)
and we are truly this happy. (yes, sick I know)
But how have I fit it all in?
Organisation and planning > and it is actually really simple but here is the trick you have to make a conscious effort to get organized. You have to get the people living in the house to help you and it must be a team effort otherwise it will not work.
Start with a family meeting: Sunday night is the best
Set goals >
eg: walk every morning together
Assign jobs to the children>
Yes! they are very capable and yes! they will mess it up multiple times but let them do it wrong until they get it right.
Grocery shop to a meal plan >
Write your dinner meals down for the week on a blackboard so everyone can see and stick to the plan.
Do not waste time on social media >
I limited my social media times to morning am 15 minutes and evening to 15 minutes.
Open communication with all in the family >
Discuss what each person needs to get done that week and help one another achieve it.
Look for the good in every situation> everytime.
I look forward to sharing a whole lot more in 2016 and I wish you all a safe and wonderful evening.
Health and Happiness always,